Home - Winnipeg Music Festival
Winnipeg Music Festival encourages musical growth and appreciation through involvement of individuals, groups and the community by holding of an annual Festival in February/March.
The Winnipeg Music Festival is located on the original territory of the Anishinabe (Ojibway), Ininew (Cree), Oji-Cree, Dene,
and Dakota peoples, and within the Métis Nation
– lands now known as Treaty One.
107th Annual
March 2 - March 23, 2025
Regular Admission -
$6.00 per session/$25.00 for a festival pass
12 and under - Free!
Cash or cheque only please.
WMF 2025 Classes and Times
2025 Winnipeg Music Festival class outline
March 5: Vocal: All ages/grades Popular/Contemporary
March 6-8: Vocal: 16 & 18 years and under
March 8: Vocal: duets
March 10-13: Musical Theatre, Gilbert & Sullivan and Operetta
March 19-20: Vocal: 8, 10, 12 & 14 years and under
March 22: Vocal Highlights Concert
March 19-22: Vocal: Grades C, B, A and Adult
March 2-7: Piano Grades/Levels 5, 6, 7 and 8
March 15 Trophies
March 8: All grades/levels Piano Duets, Duos and Concertos
March 10-15: grades/levels 9, 10, Diploma, Honours and Adult
March 16-21: Beginner, grades/levels 1, 2, 3 and 4
Strings and Chamber Groups
March 10-15: All grades/levels Strings Solo, Duet and Chamber Groups
Classical Guitar and Guitar Orchestra
March 6: All grades/levels Classical Guitar Solo, Duet and School Orchestra
March 14-15 Trophies
Woodwinds and Brass
March 3-4: All grades/levels Woodwinds & Brass Solo and Duet
March 14-15 Trophies
March 12
March 14-15 Trophies
March 2: Community Choral
March 3-7: School Choral
Handbells and ORFF
March 20