Emmanuel Horch Memorial Bursaries
Audrey Belyea Scholarship
Camerata Nova Bursary
Emmanuel Horch Memorial Bursaries
Frances Wickberg Bursary
James Vaclav Machovec Memorial Bursary
John Melnyk Memorial Bursary
Joy of Music Scholarships
Junior Musical Club Bursary
Len Hew Bursary
Lydia Wiebe Scholarship
M. Winnifred Sim Bursary
Madge O. Stevens Bursary
Mary Campbell Memorial Bursaries
Morna-June Morrow Scholarships
Stewart M. Thomson Memorial Bursary
W.H. Anderson Family Bursary
Walter & Helen Bohonos Award
Wednesday Morning Musicale Award and Bursaries
Wickberg/Mercier Bursary
Winnipeg Mennonite Children’s Choir and Alumni Golden Era Bursaries
Emmanuel Horch Memorial Bursaries
Emmanuel Horch was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba on December 21, 1912 to Edward and Katherine Horch, who had moved from Freidorf, Russia to Canada in 1909. His childhood was spent in Winnipeg’s "North End" as part of a large musical family. His brothers Ben and Albert were also active in the professional fields of music. He was playing the violin without benefit of lessons at a very early age. Later, his teachers, among them John Waterhouse, encouraged him to compete in the Winnipeg Music Festival, where he won the Junior Musical Club Award in 1930.
In 1936, Emmanuel Horch was married to Agatha Klassen, an accomplished alto singer. They raised a fine family of four children, Victor, Ron, Elfrieda and Benjamin. Emmanuel, or Mel, as he was affectionately known, taught many string students, not only in Winnipeg, but also in rural Manitoba, making weekly travels to these towns, regardless of the weather. He was concert-master of the first Mennonite Symphony Orchestra, later known as the Mennonite Community Orchestra, which has been performing regularly since 1978. He was still teaching a weekly class at the age of 82. His students, of more than one generation, can be found everywhere in Canada and abroad. Emmanuel Horch died in 1996.
A scholarship was set up for string students in his name in 1985. This fund was transferred to the Winnipeg Music Festival to provide three Emmanuel Horch bursaries annually: one for the most outstanding performance of a string concerto in Grades 5-8; one for the most outstanding performance of a string concerto in Grades 9-Honours; and one to the recipient of the Victor Feldbrill Trophy.