Junior Musical Club Bursary
Audrey Belyea Scholarship
Camerata Nova Bursary
Emmanuel Horch Memorial Bursaries
Frances Wickberg Bursary
James Vaclav Machovec Memorial Bursary
John Melnyk Memorial Bursary
Joy of Music Scholarships
Junior Musical Club Bursary
Len Hew Bursary
Lydia Wiebe Scholarship
M. Winnifred Sim Bursary
Madge O. Stevens Bursary
Mary Campbell Memorial Bursaries
Morna-June Morrow Scholarships
Stewart M. Thomson Memorial Bursary
W.H. Anderson Family Bursary
Walter & Helen Bohonos Award
Wednesday Morning Musicale Award and Bursaries
Wickberg/Mercier Bursary
Winnipeg Mennonite Children’s Choir and Alumni Golden Era Bursaries
Junior Musical Club Bursary
At the turn of the last century in Winnipeg, before the time of the radio, television, cinema and all of the entertainment luxuries of the modern world, a group of young girls gathered in each other’s homes to celebrate their common love of music. Beginning in the fall of 1901, they held what they called ‘musicales’, where they performed for each other, take musical quizzes, recite essays and socialize, all in the aim of musical advancement and enjoyment. It began as a performance club, run by students, for students, and was an offshoot of the Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg.
In the earliest years, concert programs for the season were discussed at the first meeting, and musicales were assigned a nationalistic theme, such as the composers of Italy, Scotland, Poland or Ireland. Other recitals were dedicated specifically to composers: Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin and more. Eventually the idea of a theme was dropped in favour of miscellaneous programs. Over the years the club evolved to include all levels of ability, but the primary goal was still the same – to be a performance club for students. In its final years, JMC was directed by teachers and others interested in the performance opportunity.
The Junior Musical Club Bursary is awarded to the winner of the Junior Musical Club Trophy for the most outstanding performance by a Grade/Level 9 instrumentalist.