
Adam N. Leckie Memorial Trophy

Aikins Memorial Trophy

Alice F. Lal Mills Memorial Trophy

Alma Wynne Memorial Trophy

Anne Tate Memorial Trophy

Annie Pullar Trophy

Beryl Ferguson Memorial Trophy

Beth Douglas Memorial Trophy

Clare C. Leckie Trophy

Doris (Mills) Lewis Memorial Trophy

Dr. Willis S. Prowse Memorial Trophy

Earl Grey Trophy

Frances E. Wickberg Trophy

Gertrude Lowery Memorial Trophy

Gilbert & Sullivan Society Trophy

Golding's Music Trophy

Gordon Hignell Memorial Trophy

Harold L. Scarth Memorial Trophy

Helen Derksen Memorial Shield

Helga Anderson Trophy

Herbert and Audrey Belyea Trophy

Institute of Chartered Piano Tuners of Manitoba Trophy

J.S. Little Trophy

Jacob (J.P.) Redekopp Memorial Trophy

James Seaton Trophy

Jean Broadfoot Trophy

John B. Somerset Shield

John Melnyk Trophy

Junior Musical Club Trophy

Kozub Trophy

Ladies Orange Benevolent Association Trophy

Lieutenant Governor's Trophy

Lola MacQuarrie Memorial Trophy

Long & McQuade Trophy

Lord Tweedsmuir Memorial Trophy

Manitoba Guild of English Handbell Ringers

Manitoba Music Teachers' Association

Mozart Shield

Mr. & Mrs. Will Rook Trophy

Peter Logan Memorial Trophy

Picardy Candy Ltd. Shield

Play All Awards Trophy

Quest Musique Trophy

Rainbow Stage Trophy

Reg Hugo Memorial Trophy

Richard W. Cooke Trophy

Robinson, Little & Company Limited Trophy

Rose Bowl

Royal Conservatory of Music Alumni Association Winnipeg Chapter Trophy

Salisbury House Trophy

Saults & Pollard Ltd. Shield

Sir Hugh Roberton Trophy

Stewart M. Thomson Trophy

Swedish Musical Club Trophy

Tudor Bowl

Victor Feldbrill Trophy

W.H. Anderson Memorial Trophy

Walter Klymkiw Trophy

Winnipeg Bach Festival Trophy

Winnipeg Classical Guitar Society David Bellan Trophy

Winnipeg Classical Guitar Society Len Hew Trophy

Winnipeg Male Chorus Trophy